Blog / The Game Plan

The Game plan

The Game Plan

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Disc-Golf is a fun and accessible sport that combines the principles of golf and frisbee. It is played by throwing a disc (similar to a frisbee but smaller and heavier) toward a target, usually a metal basket topped with chains. More details


Velcro ball game

The Velcro throw and catch game, often simply referred to as the toss and catch game, is a classic outdoor activity that has delighted children and adults alike for generations. This game typically involves two players using paddles covered in Velcro to catch and toss a soft ball, making it an engaging way to develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills. More details


Have You Heard of Volcage?

Volcage is a team-oriented, mixed and all-terrain sport that combines the elements of Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf. It is played with an exclusive ring and a unique basket, designed to be simple, accessible and fun. More details