Discovering Disc-Golf

Disc golf is a fun and accessible sport that combines the principles of golf and frisbee. It is played by throwing a disc (similar to a frisbee but smaller and heavier) toward a target, usually a metal basket topped with chains. The goal is to complete a course in as few throws as possible, just like golf.

Benefits of Disc-Golf

  1. Accessibility: Disc golf is affordable and can be played by people of all ages and skill levels.
  2. Outdoor Activity: It encourages students to spend time outdoors, enjoying the benefits of outdoor exercise.
  3. Skill Development: This sport develops coordination, concentration and dexterity.
  4. Educational Values: Disc-Golf promotes fair play, respect for the environment and conviviality

Integrating Disc-Golf in Schools

  1. Setting Up the Space
    • Course: Create a simple course with movable baskets or improvised targets (like hoops or cones).
    • Discs: Provide child-friendly discs available in various weights and sizes
  2. Educational Program
    • Initiation: Start with introductory sessions to familiarize students with basic rules and techniques.
    • Friendly Competitions: Organize internal tournaments to encourage healthy competition and teamwork.
  3. Player’s Safety & Supervision
    • Management: Make sure that sessions are supervised by trained teachers or facilitators.
    • Safety Rules: Establish clear rules to ensure the safety of all participants, such as respecting throwing distances and using discs properly.

By incorporating disc golf into schools, you offer students a fun and enriching activity that promotes their physical and mental development. It's a great way to promote an active lifestyle and reinforce the values of respect and fair play.
