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Pair of EVVO® «Shoshibaa» JUNIOR Snowshoes
  • $139.95
  • Availability: Back Order


Snowshoeing is a fun, easy, inexpensive sport and an excellent choice for fitness. CATSPORTS offers snowshoes of different sizes, adapted to all levels.

To choose a pair of snowshoes that are comfortable and provide you with good support, you must determine the total weight that the snowshoes will carry. For example, add 10 to 15 lbs to your actual weight to account for the weight of your clothes and backpacks. There are many different sizes of snowshoes designed to support a range of weights. For more comfort, we recommend using snowshoe walking poles to stabilize the upper body and give you more balance on rough terrain. 

CATSPORTS range of snowshoes, snowshoes sets & telescopic poles includes:

  • Aluminum snowshoes;
  • Pairs of telescopic poles.

CATSPORTS offers unbeatable prices for high quality snowshoes, so everyone can enjoy beautiful winter outdoor walks.