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ATF® Speedball with Strap, High Quality Leather, 16" (40 cm)
  • $64.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Junior boxing gloves
  • $54.95
    $36.00 /Unit
    35% discount
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock


Boxing is a combat sport that allows you to work on speed, power, response times and endurance. There are several boxing variations with different rules: boxing, Muay Thai and kickboxing. Whether for training or competition, boxing requires specific equipment to protect boxers and to learn the techniques.

CATSPORTS offers safe and durable boxing equipment to ensure that your training is effective.

CATSPORTS has selected the ATF brand, a Canadian specialist in boxing and combat sports.

  • Speed bag;
  • Striking shields;
  • Boxing head gear;
  • Junior boxing introductory sets;
  • Boxing training dummies;
  • Pairs of boxing gloves;
  • Pairs of bag gloves;
  • Training mitts;
  • Leather boxing training bags.

CATSPORTS has selected the best boxing equipment so that young and old can practice boxing safely with high-performance equipment, and at the best prices.