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Sifflet Fox40 Pearl, Neon Green
  • $3.95 /Unit
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  • Availability: Back Order


For physical education teachers, lifeguards, referees and beginner youth referees, CATSPORTS distributes a wide assortment of whistles and accessories, which will allow you to be heard by all.

CATSPORTS distributes MIKASA and FOX 40 brands, the latter being specialists in whistles. 

The range of CATSPORTS whistles and accessories includes:

  • Electronic whistles with a powerful and continuous sound;
  • Anti-allergic pear-shaped whistles in soft PVC;
  • Classic, pea-less whistles;
  • PEARL whistles;
  • Whistles with finger grip;
  • Sports whistles with pea;
  • Brass whistles;
  • Professional whistles with strap;
  • Whistle straps.

CATSPORTS offers practical, comfortable whistles adapted for all uses, at the best prices.