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Pair of Physiblocks
  • $124.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: Back Order
  • $94.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: Back Order
Physitube, 96"x22"
  • $319.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Set of 2 Supertubes
  • $399.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Set of 3 mini Physitubes, 22 cm
  • $144.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Set of 3 mini Physitubes, 44 cm
  • $179.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Set of 3 Physitubes
  • $279.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock


CATSPORTS offers equipment that allows people of all ages to work on their balance. CATSPORTS distributes the QU-AX brand—a specialist in circus and balance equipment, renowned for durability. 

The range of CATSPORTS balancing equipment includes:

  • Pairs of stilts; 
  • Impact-resistant balancing balls;
  • Pogo sticks;
  • Rolla Bolla;
  • Base line slackline;
  • Physitubes;
  • Physiblocks.

CATSPORTS distributes a wide selection of balance equipment, at the best prices, to develop your balance while having fun.